martes, 15 de diciembre de 2020

GIT Demystifying part 19, Work Team - Pull Requests

 GIT Demystifying part 19

Work Team - Pull Requests

Continuing from the previous blog, Now Fulano which previouslly has forked the owners repository wants to do a new feature for the proyect, Fulano will create a branch were his work will be done, and once done, he will do a request to the owner of the main repository (pull request) to integrate the Fulano work contribution.

Fulano added his work on his branch myContribution, now do a commit and push it to his origin.

shows a pop up window to login.   

Once logged.

Now lets do the pull request to the owner of the main repository. 

Create a title and description for the pull request.

Also we can see the changes for the pull request.

Now lets go to the owner´s repository jalbertomr to see and resolve the pull request. jalberto user will receive an email where hi is notified of the pull request.

jalbertomr proceed with the merge.

Once merged, cuentafulana cound delete the branch myContribution and pull the latest changes from jalbertomr repository. to be updated and continue contributing to the team.

May be we delete branch myContribution, and create myContribution2 for a new feature.


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