martes, 15 de diciembre de 2020

GIT Demystifying part 17, Work Team

GIT Demystifying part 17

Work Team

   To work in team with Github, the team has to have an account. One of them must create an Organization where all the element of the team interact with each other. The host creator of the organization must invite one member to join the organization. 












12  Now let´s clone the github repository of jalbertomr/workTeamTest into jalbertomr´s local maquine.

Let´s create a file on github .

Now, origin/main is ahead from local main. Local main doesn´t now that origin/main has been changed, so, has to do a command to check if has changed, this is with git fetch  origin  once realized the changes then apply git pull or git pull <remote> <branch>.  and then to a merge to synchronize the pointers.

 Now, local will change file1 and the change must be updated on remote. I mean pushed to remote.

Now review the remote github status.

the commit are updated.

Fork your own copy of the account/repository on your account.

  Fulano wants to work on their own account with the repository and do some changes, when done all the changes will be integrated to the main account, this action is called pull request. In order to begin, Fulano needs to be logen into his account, check the organization and the repository, and apply a Fork, in order to copy the repository.

Clone Fulano´s Repository into his local machine

  Fulano has cloned the forked repository into his local maquine in order to work, do the changes to it, and when finish, push his change to his github Repository, and do a pull request to main account in order to integrate the changes into the main repository.

continue on next ...


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