martes, 21 de junio de 2022

Spring Data Jpa Entity RelationShip Mappings @OneToMany Unidirection (No middle table)

Spring Data Jpa Entity RelationShip Mappings @OneToMany Unidirection (No middle table)

Java Entities

PurchaseOrder Entity

@NamedQuery(name="PurchaseOrder.findById_named", query = " FROM PurchaseOrder p JOIN FETCH p.items i WHERE = :id")
@Table(name = "purchase_order", schema = "public")
public class PurchaseOrder {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO,generator = "public.purchase_order_seq")
private Long id;
private String name;
@OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL, targetEntity = Item.class) //default targetEntity can be omitted
@JoinColumn(name = "purchase_order_id_fk", // default is "item.items_id" And Avoids the creation of extra Table
referencedColumnName = "id") // default could be omitted
private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();

Item Entity

@Table(name = "item", schema = "public")
public class Item {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO,generator = "public.item_seq")
private Long id;
private String name;

Hibernate creates automatically the tables the next way

    create table public.item (
       id int8 not null,
        name varchar(255),
        purchase_order_id_fk int8,
        primary key (id)
    create table public.purchase_order (
       id int8 not null,
        name varchar(255),
        primary key (id)
    alter table if exists public.item 
       add constraint FK1ohvucgh093bf3fnpbhhitv47 
       foreign key (purchase_order_id_fk
       references public.purchase_order

Test the behaviour


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