jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

J2EE Indice de Temas

Java and J2EE Indice de Temas

j2EE Architecture -Containers
    Component Contracts
    Container Service APIs
    Declarative Services
J2EE Technologies
    Web Components
    Enterprise JavaBeans Components
   Service Technologies
        Java Transaction API and Service
    Communication Protocols
        Internet Protocols
        Remote Object Protocols
Distributed Computing Using RMI
    RMI Architecture
    The Stub and Skeleton Layer
    The Remote Reference Layer
    The Transpor Layer
    Locating Remote Objects
    RMI Exceptions
    Developing Applications with RMI
    The RMI Security Manager
    Parameter Passing in RMI
    The Distributed Garbage Collector
    Dynamically Loading Classes
    Remote Callbacks
    Object Activation
    Custom Sockets and SSL
    RMI over IIOP (Internet inter-Orb Protocol)
Database Programming with JDBC
    Database drivers
    JDBC DataSources
    Connectin Pooling
    Distribuited Transactions
    Naming and Directory Services
    Introducing JNDI
XML Documents
    DTD and XML schema
    DTD, Parsers and Validation
    XML Namespaces
    Styling XML with CSS

XML Parsing with DOM and SAX
    SAX, JAXP, and a Simple Example

Introduction to Web Containers
    the HTTP Protocol
    HTTP Request Methods
        The GET Request Method
        The POST Request Method
    HTTP Response
    Web Containers and Web Applications
    Java Servlets
    Java Server Pages
    Deployment Descriptors
Servlet Programming
    Servlet Implementation
    init() method
    service() method
    destroy() method
    getServletConfig() method
    GenericServlet Class
    SingleThreadModel Interface
    HttpServlet Class
    service() methods
    doXXX() methods
    getLastModified() method
Servlet Configuration
    ServletConfig Interface
    getInitParameters() method
    getInitParameterNames() method
    getServletContext() method
    getServletName() method
    obtainig a Reference to ServletConfig
Servlet Exceptions
    ServletException Class
    UnavailableException Class

Serlvet Lifecycle
API for Request and Responses
    ServletRequest Interface, methods for parameters, attributes, inputs
    HTTPServletRequest Interface
        methods for request Path and URL
        methods for HTTP Header
    ServletResponse Interface
        methods for Content Type and Length, Output, buffered Output
    HTTPServletResponse Interface
        methods for Error Handling
        sendRedirect() method
Servlet Sessions, Context and Collaboration

    Statelessness and Sessions
    Approaches to Session Tracking
        URL Rewriting
        Hidden Form Fields
    Session Tracking with the Java Servlet API
        Session Creation and Tracking
        The HttpSession Interface
            Methods for Session Lifetime
            Demonstrating Session Lifecycle with Cookies
            Session Lifecycle Without Cookies
            Methods for Managing States
            Demonstating State Management
        Binding and Unbinding Objects to and from Sessions
            The HttpSessionBindingListener Interface
            The HttpSessionBindingEvent Class
        A Simple Shopping Cart Using Sessions
            The Catalog Servlet
            The ShoppingCart Servlet
    Servlet Context
        The ServletContext Interface
        A Chat Application Using Context and Sessions
        The ChatRoom Class
        The ChatEntry Class
        The Administration Servlet
        Servlet for Chatting
        Chat Setup
    Servlet Collaboration
        Servlet Chaining
        Request Dispatching
            RequestDispatch Interface
Web Deployment, Authentication and Packaging
    Structure of a Web Application
        Directory Structure
        Web Archives Files
    Mapping Request to Application and Servlets
    Security Web Application
    Deployment Configuration
JSP Basics and Architecture
    JSP Directives
        The page Directives
        The include Directives
        The tablib Directive
    Scripting Elements
    Standard Actions
    Implicit Objects
        The request Object
        The response Object
        The pageContext Object
        The session Object
        The application Object
        The out Object
        The config Object
        The page Object
        Page Scope
        Request Scope
        Session Scope
        Application Scope
    XML Equivalent Tags
        DTD and Root Element
        Scripting Elements
    JSP Design Basic
        Page-Centric or Client-Server Design
        Page-View with Bean
    The 'Dispatcher' Approach
        Mediator-Composite View
        Service to Workers
    JSP Tag Extensions
        Tag Extension
            A Simple Tag
        Anatomy of a Tag Extension
            Tag Handlers
                javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag Interface
                javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag Interface
                javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent Class
                Convenience Classes
                javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo Class
                Objects available to Tag Handlers
            Tag Library Descriptors
            Using Tag Extensions in JSP Pages
            Deploying and Packaging Tag Libraries
                No Packaging, WAR, The Library JAR
                Combination of WAR and JAR
        Writing Tag Extensions
            Processing Attributes
            Body Content
            Tags Introducing Scripting Variables
                Specifying a TagExtraInfo Class
                Implementing the TagExtraInfo Class
                Change to the Tag Handler
            Body Tags
                Body Tags and Iteration
                Body Tags and Filter Their Content
            Tag Nesting
            Handling Errors
    Advanced Custom JSP Tags
        An XSL Style Tag
        Swing Model Tags
            Using the Swing ListModel
            Creating a Name-Value Mapping Model
            Using the Swing TableModel
    Writing Maintainable JSP Pages
        JSP in a Multi-Tier Architecture
        Techniques for Writing Maintainable JSP
            Request Controller Architecture
                Implementing, when Not to use a
            Using includes in JSP
                Two Types of Includes
                using Static Includes
            Using JSP Beans
                Pages Beans
                Session Beans
                Application Beans
                Bean Configuration
            Using Tag Extensions
                Categories of Tags
                Model Tags
                Translation Tags
                Tags as Application Building Blocks
            Handling Iteration
            Handling Conditional Logic
            Using Styled XML
            When to use Custom SuperClasses for JSPs
            Standard Abstractions for Common Objects
            Handling Exceptions
        Documenting the JSP layer
        Coding Standards for Maintainable JSPs
        The DBExplorer Application
            Requirements, Design, Implementation
                Presentation Tier, Data Tier
            Reviewing tha Application
            Deploying the Application
    JSP and XML - Working together
        JSP and XML
            Modular Design and Modular Reading
        A Profiled Newsletter - A Case Study
            An Overview of the Main Components
        The Configuration Component
            The Reflection Package
            The Constructor Class
            Invoking methods
        A Config File Example
            Meaning of Tags, Attributes
        The Java Code for XML Configuration
            Config Classified
            The Control Pattern of Config()
            configChild() and Methods Invocation
        The Database Component
            DBConnector and its Default Implementation
        XML Data Access Component
            DomSearch Queries
            DomSearch Output
            Instantiating DomSearch - DSNextMatch
            Configuration XML data for DOMSearch
            using DomSearch During a Session
        The Presentation Component
            The Login Page
            The Main Frames Pages and Initialization
            Control and Data Frames
        The Control Component
            The StampPageFactory Bean
    An XML-Based JDBC Connector Servlet Framework
        Implementing the JDBC Connector Servlet
        Using the JDBC Connector Servlet
        Setup Instructions
        the JavaMail API
            javax.mail.Authenticator and PasswordAuthentication
            javax.mail.Multipart and BodyPart
            javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart and MimeBodyPart
    EJB Architecture and Design
       Enterprise JavaBeans vs. JavaBeans
        What Are EJBs?
            varities of Beans. why use it?
        The EJB Container and Its Services
            Declarative Transactions
            Data Caching
            Declarative Security
            Error Handling
            Component Framework for Business Logic
            Scalability and Fail-Over
        How the Container Provides Services
            Contarcts, Services, Interposition
        Working with EJBs
           The Client Developer´s View
            The Bean Programmer´s View
            What you Can´t Do in an EJB Component
        EJB Components on the Web
        Client-Tier Access to the EJBs
        Design of the EJB Tier
            UML Use Cases
            Analysis vs Implementation
            An Example of EJB Design
    Session Beans and Business Logic
        Session Bean and State
            Representing Business Logic
            The Difficult Problem of Conversational State
            Session Beans and Persistent Storage
        The Financial Aid Calculator Bean
        Implementing out Manufacturing Application
    Entity Beans and Persistence
        Why not Use Session Beans?
            Using a Stateful Session Bean
            Using a Stateless Session Bean
            Benefits of Entity Beans
        Container-vs. Bean-Managed Persistence
    EJB Container Services
            Transactions Without a Container
            Declaretive Semantics for Transactions
                Transactin Attibutes NotSupported, Supports, RequiresNew,
                Required, Mandatory, Never
            User-Controlled Transactions
            Isolation Levels
            Long Transactions
                Optimistic, Pesimistic Locking.
            Specifying the Security Requirements
                Security Roles, Method Permissions
            Programmatic Access Control
            Security and Application Design
    Develop and Deployment Roles
    Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0
        Container-Managed Persistence in EJB 2.0
        The EJB 2.0 Query Language
        Message-Driven Beans
    Design Considerations for J2EE Applications
    Performance and Scalability
    Debugging Java Server Applications
    Unit Testing J2EE Applications
    The Java Message Service
        JMS programming
    Integration with CORBA
        IDL Types

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