lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2022

UML Associations

 UML Associations

Generating UML from an aggregation association using intelij plugin uses a filled diamond, this is not correct because the aggregation is represented by an empty diamon, in deed, all the aggregation relations or composition relations are represented by a filled diamond. 

   Java can not destroy an entity so when the owner of a relationship deads this can not destroy the entity associated to it. This means that composition associations can not be represented by java nor his UML representation.
This is the same java code but generated from ObjectAid plugin in Eclipse. This not shows the filled diamond, even does not represent any diamond. The association correspond to an aggregation but the tool don´t shows the empty diamond.
The Next Association is a bidirectional association of the Class Person
// Association
// Person ----------- Person bidirectional association, both has his own life cycle.
personA.setConnectWith( personB);
personB.setConnectWith( personA)
On the ObjectAid Tool the relation is shown by an arrow pointing to the Person Class itself. But in case of the tool on InteliJ this self relation can not be displayed.
