Arun Gupta - Refactor your Java EE application using Microservices and Containers
X-Axis sclalate clone
Y-Axis Functionality
Z-Axis shardering stread load from different locations Europe, Asia, America
1.- Prepare to Containter
User show booking database
Add/Delete Movie
Ticket Sales
Movie Points
Chat Room
Web Pages Classes Config Files
2.- WAR--> EAR
3.- EAR --> WAR
4.- WAR in Container
5.- WAR: Scale on X-axis or Y-axis
- Service Replication (Kubernets)
- Dependency Resolution (Nexus)
- Failover (Circuit Breaker)
- Resiliency (Hystrix)
- Service Monitoring, alerts and events (logstash)
Pocket Once Deploy Anywhere (PODA)
80% written in GO
Uses several linux features
- Namespaces to provide isolation
- Control groups to share/limit hardware resource
- Union File systems makes it light and fast
- libcontainer defines container format
FROM fedore:latest
CMD echo "Hello World"
FROM jboss/wildfly
RUN curl -L
movieplex7-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war -o /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/
Open source orchestration system for Docker containers
"desire state" self-heaing, auto-restarting, schedule across hosts, Replicating
Pods: collocated group of Docker containers that share an IP and storage volume.
- C1 --- C2 - --- C3 ------
---- Pod1---- --- Pod2 ---
----------- Docker ----------------
Service: Single, stable name for a set of pods, also acts as LB
Sevice WEB
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port 8080 port 8080
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JBoss JBoss
Pod1 Pod2
Replication Controller: manages the lifecycle of pods
and ensure specified number are running
Label: Uses for organaze and select group of objects
Sample of implementation
Sevice WEB
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port 80 port 80
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Apache Apache
Pod1 Pod2
JavaEE DataBase MessageQueue
| | | | | |
port 8080 port 8080 port 3306 port 3306 port 8161 port 8161
| | | | | |
JBoss JBoss MySql MySql ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Pod6 Pod7 Pod8
openshift origin
User Experience OpenShift WildFly
Cluster Management Kubernetes
Container Docker
Container Host RedHat Atomic Now PodMan