martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020

Java IntelliJ Simple Gradle Project

 Java IntelliJ Simple Gradle Project

                                                                                                              reference IntelliJ web page.

Steps to follow

1 .- Create a Simple Gradle Project. with Junit.

2 .- Add Simple Java Code, and Tests.

3 .-  Run application with Gradle.

4 .- Run Tests

5 .- Create Executable JAR file

6 .- Run the JAR file with Gradle.

1 .- Create a Simple Gradle Project. with Junit.

.Create a New Project of type Gradle with Java.

Assign a GroupId and ArtifactId.

Assign a Project name.

In the Project window, the structure of de project is like shows on figure below, the file build.gradle put by default some instructions. like plugins, repositories, dependencies. the external libraries correspond with the dependencies in build.gradle file. this is automatically done.

 Open the Gradle window. View -> Tools Window -> Gradle. On the folders of Gradle view the task shows the task we can run.

Also we can adjust some other characteristics of our Gradle project in Project Settings, Build, Execution, Deployment ->Build Tools -> Gradle.

Project Structure (Ctl+Alt+Shift+S)

2 .- Add Simple Java Code, and Tests.

Add simple Java Code
package com.gradle.tutorial;

public class NumberProcessor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++){
System.out.println( convert(i));

public static String convert(int numberProcessor) {
if ( numberProcessor % 15 == 0) {
return "tresYcinco";
if ( numberProcessor % 3 == 0) {
return "tres";
if ( numberProcessor % 5 == 0) {
return "cinco";
return String.valueOf(numberProcessor);

Create his Test class

Put the cursor over class NumberProcessor and then type Ctrl+Shift+T, and code the test.

package com.gradle.tutorial;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

public class NumberProcessorTest {
public void NumberNormalNumbers() {
NumberProcessor np = new NumberProcessor();
Assert.assertEquals("1", np.convert(1));
Assert.assertEquals("2", np.convert(2));

public void NumberTres() {
NumberProcessor np = new NumberProcessor();
Assert.assertEquals("tres", np.convert(3));

public void NumberCinco() {
NumberProcessor np = new NumberProcessor();
Assert.assertEquals("cinco", np.convert(5));

public void NumberTresYCinco(){
NumberProcessor np = new NumberProcessor();
Assert.assertEquals("tresYcinco", np.convert(15));


3 .-  Run application with Gradle.

The output
11:31:16 a. m.: Executing task 'NumberProcessor.main()'...
> Task :compileJava
> Task :processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :classes
> Task :NumberProcessor.main()
Ok, the program works.

4 .- Run Tests

On the file of Test, we can run individual test, putting the cursor over the function test and run the test.

The output of the Test is OK.

Now lets alter the Test to get a Fail output, just to see.

5 .- Create Executable JAR file

In the Gradle Tool Window, in the Tasks node, and select build task to run it.

Once build the project, in the project window is generated the jar file on build -> libs

Run the program with java -jar

D:\proy\simpleGradleProject>java -jar build\libs\gradle-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jarno main manifest attribute, in build\libs\gradle-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

We get an error, about main manifest attribute, we have to adjust the gradle file. and add the folowing lines.

jar {
manifest {
attributes "Main-Class": "com.gradle.tutorial.NumberProcessor"
from {
configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }

Rebuid the project and run it again.

D:\proy\simpleGradleProject>java -jar build\libs\gradle-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

6 .- Run the JAR file with Gradle.

Add the following lines to the gradle.file

plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'


application {
mainClassName = 'com.gradle.tutorial.NumberProcessor'

It creates in Gradle Tool windows the node Task -> application -> run. 

and in the Project Window creates build -> distribution node.

And its done.
